Greta Thunberg: The Climate Event - Live Stream

30 Oct –⁠ 30 Nov 2022, from 8pm
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Greta Thunberg by the sea, wearing mittens and puffer jacket
Kim Jakobsen To

Watch a live-streamed evening with Greta Thunberg for the global launch of The Climate Book.

The Climate Book brings together an unprecedented collective of over 100 experts, activists and witnesses to tell the biggest story in the world: how and why our planet is changing.

It is a clarion call to create change. It presents a global overview of the many, interconnected crises unfolding across the planet today, and reveals the part we can all play in securing a safe future for life on Earth.

The book contains testimonies from scientists and engineers, youth leaders and indigenous communities, national and international thinkers, and the voices of the most affected people and areas on the front line of climate change.

The Climate Book features renowned scientists such as Johan Rockström, Michael Mann, Katherine Hayhoe, Friedrike Otto, Stefan Rahmstorf, Saleemul Huq and Carlos Nobre, as well as luminaries like Thomas Piketty, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Naomi Klein and Amitav Ghosh.

These are stories to inspire hope through action in the urgent fight for the wellbeing of this planet. After all, if a schoolchild's strike could ignite a global protest, what could we all do collectively if we tried?

In this launch event, Greta Thunberg is in conversation with journalist, writer and broadcaster Samira Ahmed.

Presented in partnership with Penguin Live

Need to know

Age recommendation

For ages 12+

This stream is Speech-to-Text transcribed (STT).

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This event is being live streamed on YouTube and is available to watch on demand for 30 days afterwards.

Dates & times

30 Oct –⁠ 30 Nov 2022
Live stream: 8pm on Sun 30 Oct 2022 and available to watch 30 days on demand.


  • Standard entryFree

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This event can be viewed live on YouTube, and will be made available at the same time as the in-person event. Make sure you bookmark this page.