Marinella Senatore: We Rise by Lifting Others

Todd-White Art Photography/Ben Fitzpatrick

Pause for a breath amid the bustle and take in the beauty

See this uplifting, large-scale light sculpture inspired by the southern Italian tradition of illuminated decorations.

We Rise By Lifting Others is a work by Marinella Senatore, and was handcrafted in Apulia, Italy.

Senatore places social connections at the basis of her work and focuses her research on activation, stressing the power of art to start a process of individual and collective emancipation. Of working with light, she says it ‘can prove to be a tool for narration and poetic creation, as well as for resistance and cohesion’.

We Rise By Lifting Others is imbued with these qualities.

Marinella Senatore (b.1977 in Campania, Italy) trained as a director of photography at the National Film School in Rome. She designs large-scale light sculptures for public places, museums and festivals worldwide. Known as luminarie, they are significant for their catalytic power – ephemeral structures creating temporary spaces for rituals and socialisation.

The artwork is commissioned with the generous support of the Italian Cultural Institute in London.

Opening times

13 Nov 2023 – 7 Jan 2024

4pm – 11pm daily


Queen Elizabeth Hall Riverside Terrace