Slow painting

Past exhibition
Hayward Gallery Touring

Gareth Cadwallader, Bath 2015–16

Hayward Gallery Touring presents Slow Painting, an exhibition of paintings that take their time, and invite us to do the same

Curated by the writer and critic Martin Herbert, Slow Painting features nineteen artists, primarily British or UK based, whose work spans a myriad of styles and applications, from figuration to abstraction.

Exhibiting artists

Darren Almond, Athanasios Argianas, Michael Armitage, Gareth Cadwallader, Varda Caivano, Lubaina Himid, Paul Housley, Merlin James, Allison Katz, Simon Ling, Lucy McKenzie, Mairead O'hEocha, Yelena Popova, Carol Rhodes, Sherman Sam, Benjamin Senior, Michael Simpson, Tim Stoner and Caragh Thuring.

Slow Painting aims to explore multiple aspects of what slowness might mean in relation to recent painting. It includes works that, variously, have taken long periods to gestate, ask for and reward sustained looking, and also engage with the arc of time itself: from the continuum of art history, to wider cultural and political histories, to the cosmic.

Exhibition venues

This exhibition toured to the following venues:

  • The Levinsky Gallery, The Arts Institute - University of Plymouth
  • The Edge, University of Bath and Bath Spa School of Art and Design
  • Inverness Museum and Art Gallery, and Thurso Art Gallery
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