Visitor privacy notice

Updated on 27 Jul 2020

This notice is addressed to ad-hoc or more long term third party contractors, general Southbank Centre site visitors and performers (“Visitors”) who are visiting and signing in at Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall Artist Entrance, Queen Elizabeth Hall Artist Entrance and Hayward Gallery Artist and Staff Entrance to register their visit.

This privacy notice will help you to understand what personal data Southbank Centre collects about Visitors, how Southbank Centre uses this personal data, and what rights such Visitors have regarding their personal data.

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify a living individual, either on its own, or in combination with other pieces of data. The data controller is Southbank Centre.

It is important that you read this notice so that you are aware of how and why we are using your personal data.

This notice applies to individual persons who are external to Southbank Centre. This notice does not form part of any contract and may be updated at any time.

1. The purpose of processing your data

Southbank Centre processes Visitors’ personal data for the purposes of site security, health and safety and facilitating visitor meetings. We require Visitors to our offices to sign in at reception using an electronic log in system.

We will also take a photograph of Visitors when they register. This is also for the purposes of site security, safety and facilitating visitor meetings. These photographs will be shared with the site contact to notify them of the Visitor’s arrival.

We have engaged a third party processor, InVentry, who provide the system software and hosting infrastructure for the registration system. This third party processor may process Visitors data for the purposes of providing those services.

2. Types of Data Processed

Adults: Names and photographs for sign-in purposes, signing in times, company or organisation name and vehicle registration details (if applicable).

Children: Names, in hardcopy, in certain circumstances. Please see section 7 for more details.

3. The lawful basis for processing your data

Southbank Centre processes Visitors’ personal data for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller as detailed above.

4. Your rights

Visitors have the following rights regarding their personal data:

  • you have the right to request access to your data
  • you have the right to correct your data if it is incorrect
  • you have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of your data
  • you have the right to object to your data being processed

5. If you do not provide your personal data

If a Visitor does not provide all of the requested personal data then Southbank Centre may be unable to permit them access to all or part of our buildings.

6. Data Storage and Transfers

Visitors’ personal data will be held and stored locally on the InVentry unit within an AES 256 encrypted SQL database.

In the event of an evacuation visitor information is transferred via a secure HTTPS connection to a UK based cloud database service.

Find out more 

7. How long we keep your personal data

Adult Visitors’ personal data will be retained for one month after each visit at which point it will be automatically purged from the local SQL database and the cloud database hosting service.

Any data transferred to the cloud database service as part of an evacuation is deleted at 23:59:59 on the day of entry.

Data relating to children is only obtained in hardcopy and is destroyed within 24 hours. Data collected relating to children is for security purposes only and not for the purposes of marketing or creating personality or user profiles. Data pertaining to children will only be collected it has been explained to their parent or Guardian how their child’s personal data will be collected and used.

8. Change of purpose

We will only process Visitors’ personal data for the purpose for which we collected it.

9. How to lodge a complaint or exercise your rights in respect of section 4

If you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data or wish to exercise any of your rights as a data subject as outlined in section 4 of this privacy notice then please contact us:

By email

[email protected]

By post

Data Protection
Customer Services
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road
London SE1 8XX

You also have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Find out more