Art by Post: Of Home and Hope online gallery

Art by Post launched in May 2020 to provide free creative activities to people across the UK at risk of social isolation, loneliness and digital exclusion.

The project commissioned 17 artists to make 11 activity booklets that were sent to over 4,500 participants with the help of numerous referral partners. In response more than 600 poems, drawings, paintings and mixed media works were posted back to us by participants.

We chose to showcase this work in an Art by Post: Of Home and Hope exhibition, here in our Royal Festival Hall in the autumn of 2020. The exhibition then toured a further six venues nationwide  The Mill Arts Centre and Banbury Museum & Gallery, Oxfordshire; Arts Centre Washington, Sunderland; The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury; HOME, Manchester; De Montfort University, Leicester.

The exhibition’s focal points – ‘Nature’, ‘Sound & Movement’ and ‘Hope’ – highlight the basic needs that continue to be vital to us all: green spaces, music, dance, physical activity and people to share these experiences with. 

The exhibition makes visible the spirit and talent of the participants and the dedicated artists and organisations that have supported them, and you can enjoy a number of the works here.

The online gallery

Find out how our Art by Post community responded to the creative activities from the booklets in our exhibition, Art by Post: Of Home and Hope.