Peaches at Grace Jones’ Meltdown

Peaches, a white woman with platinum blond hair, wearing a blue outfit, sings into a microphone whilst clambering over the heads and hands of the audience in the Royal Festival Hall
Peaches performing at Grace Jones' Meltdown festival, June 2022. Photo by Pete Woodhead

Peaches – the iconic feminist musician, producer, director, and performance artist – isn’t exactly one to hold anything back.

And that was certainly evident in her remarkable appearance at Grace Jones’ 2022 Meltdown festival. As you might expect from a Peaches set it featured not just her music, but elements of cabaret, performance, and a giant inflatable phallus.

Alongside footage from that memorable night, Peaches talks to us about the influence of the Meltdown curator Grace Jones’ on her own career, including how she has inspired here since she was young.

She also talks us through the show she brought to our Royal Festival Hall, including insights into what it entailed, and what it’s like to perform in our biggest auditorium.

Peaches, a white woman with platinum blond hair, wearing a blue outfit, sings into a microphone whilst clambering over the heads and hands of the audience in the Royal Festival Hall
Peaches performing at Grace Jones' Meltdown festival, June 2022. Photo by Pete Woodhead

‘Grace Jones means everything to me, she’s my number one performance icon, I’ve been in love with her work since high school’.

MHD performing in Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall as part of M.I.A.'s Meltdown
Mike Massaro

Meltdown festival returns to the Southbank Centre with a new curator in the summer of 2023. Be first to find out the latest news.