Matthew Barney: Redoubt, a curator's introduction

Matthew Barney: Redoubt showcased a major new direction for the artist and film-maker.

A compelling feature-length film, at the heart of the exhibition, was presented alongside intricate sculptures and over 40 engravings and electroplated copper plates.

Here, Hayward Gallery Assistant Curator, Katie Guggenheim puts the focus on those electroplates, describing the artist’s methods in producing them, and how variations in this process informed their appearance. Guggenheim also takes a look at how the series of electroplates relate to the exhibition’s film and sculptures.

Curator Katie Guggenheim talks to camera whilst standing in the Hayward Gallery exhibition, Matthew Barney: Redoubt
screengrab from video: FOR BLOG USE ONLY

‘Transformation is one of the key themes in this exhibition, and we see a lot of transformation of metals especially, with a kind of alchemical alchemy of metallurgy going on here.’

Katie Guggenheim, Assistant Curator, Hayward Gallery
Installation view of Matthew Barney Redoubt at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Matthew Barney, 2021. Photo Mark Blower
Installation view of Matthew Barney Redoubt at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Matthew Barney, 2021. Photo Mark Blower
Matthew Barney: Redoubt

Matthew Barney: Redoubt was at Hayward Gallery from 19 May until Sunday 25 July.