Igshaan Adams on Kicking Dust

Igshaan Adams is a South African artist whose work explores concerns related to race, religion and sexuality, through aspects of weaving, sculpture and installation.

Introducing his Hayward Gallery exhibition, Kicking Dust, Adams discusses the show’s main installation, a 1:1 replica of a landscape in Cape Town’s Cape Flats. The installation reproduces the well-worn pathways, or desire lines, that criss-cross the scrubland between the separated neighbourhoods of Bonteheuwel and Langa.

The artist Igshaan Adams sits cross-legged on a chair in the middle of his Hayward Gallery installation Kicking Dust as he talks to camera during an interview
Igshaan Adams at Hayward Gallery: Still image from inhouse video

‘I really do hope that the audience walk through the space, conscious that they are also choosing a path’

Igshaan Adams
Installation view of Igshaan Adams Kicking Dust at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Igshaan Adams, 2021. Photo Mark Blower
Installation view of Igshaan Adams Kicking Dust at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Igshaan Adams, 2021. Photo Mark Blower
Igshaan Adams: Kicking Dust

Igshaan Adams: Kicking Dust was at Hayward Gallery from 19 May until 25 July, 2021.