Igshaan Adams: Kicking Dust, a curator’s introduction

Installation view of Igshaan Adams Kicking Dust at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Igshaan Adams, 2021. Photo Mark Blower

In his first UK solo exhibition, Igshaan Adams created a single immersive environment which enables you to experience weaving in its many different forms.

The title of Adams’ show is rooted in Rieldans, an Indigenous dance of Adams’ Cape Town background, which would see the participants kick up clouds of dust. As Tarini Malik, Hayward Gallery curator, explains in this video, the notion of dust, and its symbolism, is evoked throughout the exhibition in the artist’s delicate sculptural works, which hang from the ceiling.

Hayward Gallery curator Tarini Malik sits within the exhibition Kicking Dust by Igshaan Adams speaking to camera
screengrab from video: FOR BLOG USE ONLY

‘This surreal woven landscape that Igshaan has produced is centred around histories, and sociopolitical histories, of the apartheid and Cape Town.’

Tarini Malik, Hayward Gallery curator, on Igshaan Adams: Kicking Dust
Installation view of Igshaan Adams Kicking Dust at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Igshaan Adams, 2021. Photo Mark Blower
Installation view of Igshaan Adams Kicking Dust at Hayward Gallery, 2021 © Igshaan Adams, 2021. Photo Mark Blower
Igshaan Adams: Kicking Dust

Igshaan Adams: Kicking Dust was at Hayward Gallery from 19 May until 25 July, 2021.