Podcast: A fly’s-eye-view of Among the Trees

Join writer Holly Corfield Carr on this walk through the woods, looking at trees through a fly’s eyes and listening to whether a yellow leaf is louder than a green one. 

Holly considers artworks by Giuseppe Penone, Robert Smithson, Roxy Paine and Mariele Neudecker, and interweaves her own words with poems by Vahni Capildeo, Emily Dickinson, Sasha Dugdale and Alice Oswald.

“If we dig down through to the roots of a word, we find them tangled with the roots of another word, another wood of language that has grown into and out of itself.”

Holly Corfield Carr

Holly Corfield Carr is a writer and research fellow in contemporary poetry and sculpture at the University of Cambridge. 

Holly has made poems, books and performances for museums, galleries and unusual sites including a wassail for an orchard, a passenger ferry called Matilda and, as part of her residency for the National Trust, an artist’s book and herbarium of poems and pressings made in the woods between New Years Day and midsummer.


Permissions acknowledgements:
Vahni Capildeo, ‘Seed, For Maya’ in Venus as a Bear (Carcarnet, 2018)
Sasha Dugdale, ‘Ten Moons’ in Red House (Carcarnet, 2011)
Alice Oswald, ‘Tree Ghosts’ in Woods, etc. (Faber, 2005)

Production and sound design by Ed Prosser.


Among the Trees is at Hayward Gallery until 31 October. 

The exhibition is open on Wednesday – Saturday, 11am – 7pm and Sunday, 10am – 6pm; and closed on Monday and Tuesday. You must book online before visiting.

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Enjoy your visit safely

London has now been placed in Tier 2 of the government’s new lockdown restrictions. This means that when indoors you cannot mix with people who are from different households, or outside your support bubble.

You can still come to the Hayward Gallery; our environment is still safe and Covid-secure, and we’ve plenty of hand sanitiser available to keep your hands clean. However, you must only move through the gallery with people from your own household or support bubble. This is in addition to maintaining social distancing, and wearing a face covering at all times, when in the gallery. 

We look forward to seeing you.