
The Unlimited House of Krip
Matt Wreford

Art should be fit for the future, so we’re always thinking about how to do things differently

It’s important to us that the artists and musicians we host here have the freedom to experiment. We always want to find the most exciting and original creatives and give them what they need to produce groundbreaking work.

After all, as the UK’s largest cultural institution, we believe that supporting innovation is our responsibility. By bringing people together for vital conversations we’re helping shape art and culture for years to come. 

National Academy of Social Prescribing 

We are proud to be the home of the new National Academy of Social Prescribing.

Together, we want to show how arts and creativity can boost the nation’s health and wellbeing. We believe that social prescribing can make a difference to people’s lives, locally and across the UK. 

Creative Health Conference 

How can the arts help improve public health? In 2019, we gathered artists, practitioners, funders and policy makers for our first Creative Health Conference. We hope to make this an annual event and we’re working towards the next one now.